The project: Talent to a green Denmark helps companies attract and retain international employees.

Talent to a Green Denmark

For you who want to attract and retain international employees.

About the project


The aim of the "Talent to a Green Denmark" project is to support businesses and SMEs in Denmark to ensure they have access to the competencies and employees they need to contribute to the green transition. 

Target group:

International highly educated and skilled candidates outside Denmark and international students/graduates in Denmark.

Project period:

January 1. 2023 - December 25. 2025


37 organisations ready to support you

37 private and public organisations within the talent ecosystem across Denmark work together to support your individual recruitment need.

The Talent to a Green Denmark prdoject supports SMEs in securing competencies to accelerate the green transition.s



Project Activities

The project will support you in getting ready to attract and connect international talent - from young professionals to highly experienced - to your company!
Attracting Talent Attract experienced talent outside of Denmark

The aim of this activity is to attract qualified international candidates to Danish companies and to secure the green transition through:

  • International digital Talent Attraction campaigns
  • Ambassador network
  • Securing a good welcome through digital services and events
Attracting Talent Attract experienced talent outside of Denmark
Connecting talent Connect with talent in Denmark

The goal of this activity is to connect international students and academics/senior candidates to Danish companies through:

  • Matchmaking events
  • Innovation Challenges
  • Career Programs
  • Cluster Collaboration


Connecting talent Connect with talent in Denmark
Get Ready to Hire International Talent

With these activities, we will support Danish companies to attract, hire and retain talent with green skills. 

  • Individual consultation to get you ready workforce-wise for the green transition
  • Individual consultation to get you ready to hire international specialists
  • Toolbox when hiring international talent
  • Masterclass to get you ready to hire internationals in manufacturing companies
Get Ready to Hire International Talent

The project's activities

The project will support you in getting ready to attract and connect international talent - from young professionals to highly experienced - to your company!

Get help attracting experienced talent from abroad


Activity: Attract experienced talent from abroad

The aim of this activity is to attract qualified international candidates to Danish companies and to secure the green transition through:

  • International digital Talent Attraction campaigns
  • Ambassador network
  • Securing a good welcome through digital services and events

Let us connect you with international talent in Denmark


Activity: Connect with international talent in Denmark

The goal of this activity is to connect international students and academics/senior candidates to Danish companies through:

  • Matchmaking events
  • Innovation Challenges
  • Career Programs

This project can help you get ready to hire and onboard internationals in your company.

Activity: Get ready to hire and onboard internationals

With these activities, we will support Danish companies to attract, hire and retain talent with green skills. 

  • Individual consultation to get you ready workforce-wise for the green transition
  • Individual consultation to get you ready to hire international specialists
  • Toolbox when hiring international talent
  • Masterclass to get you ready to hire internationals in manufacturing companies


Please fill out the form below to participate in the event.

Please configure a form


Introduce participating companies with a short text or delete this sentence.

More information & downloads

Whether your company is experienced or new to attracting, hiring, and onboarding international employees there are a lot of activities that may support your current recruitment need. 

If you are curious to learn more about all the talent activities, download the Activity Overview or book a short online meeting with us to learn more.

Get in touch

If you wish to learn more about the different activities which may be relevant for your company, just give us a call, send an email, or even better book a short non-committal online meeting with one of us.


Dan Rosenberg Strategy & Talent Acquisition Lead, Talent Department, Copenhagen Capacity
Merete Sandager Senior Talent Attraction Manager, Talent Department, Copenhagen Capacity



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Copenhagen Capacity, Nørregade 7B,  DK-1165 Copenhagen K