We're teaming up with partners across sectors to secure Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region's competitive edge.
To ensure Denmark’s growth, we lead and collaborate on multiple projects to attract international talent and foreign companies to Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region.
Skilled Labour
May 30, 2022 Branding Denmark as an attractive place for skilled labour from EU countries, by running a talent attraction campaign. Collaborating with Danish businesses to answer their need for international skilled labour.Skilled Labour
Project name: The Future Generator.
Purpose: Promoting Denmark as an attractive place for skilled labour to work and live in.
Short description: Branding Denmark as an attractive place for skilled labour from EU countries, by running a talent attraction campaign. Collaborating with Danish businesses to answer their need for international skilled labour.
Results: not yet applicable.
Duration: 2022.
Partners: WorkLiveStay, Business Region Aarhus, Business Region Midvest, Confederation of Danish Industry, Ringkøbing Skjern Municipality, Bornholm Municipality, Udvkilingsråd Sønderjylland, Trekantsområdet Business Region, Business Esbjerg, International House North Denmark, Pro Varde, Varde Municipality.
Contact Person: Merete Sandager, Copenhagen Capacity.