We're teaming up with partners across sectors to secure Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region's competitive edge.
To ensure Denmark’s growth, we lead and collaborate on multiple projects to attract international talent and foreign companies to Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region.
MORE project: Empowering Danish Healthcare
Jan 1, 2024 The MORE project is a research project designed to find interventions that can become “best practices” for recruiting, unbiased selection, onboarding, and retention of international nursing/healthcare personnel. The project is led by Kong Frederiks Center for Offentlig Ledelse ved Aarhus Universitet, and is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation.Project name: Megastudy on Recruitment, MORE.
Purpose: Addressing Denmark's critical shortage of healthcare staff, this project seeks to find the best interventions in sustainably recruiting, selecting, and retaining skilled international nursing staff, enhancing the healthcare system's resilience and diversity.
Project Description:
The research project MORE explores innovative strategies to integrate international nursing staff within the Danish healthcare sector in response to the growing global demand for healthcare workers. This initiative aims to improve the local staff shortage and foster a more inclusive and competent healthcare environment. Through collaborative efforts with practitioners, such as healthcare employers and employees, and new scientific approaches, the project endeavours to identify how international nursing staff can be sustainably recruited and successfully integrated by creating a welcoming and sustainable working environment for international healthcare professionals in Denmark.
Results: Development of targeted recruitment strategies, anti-discrimination measures, and onboarding processes, aiming to enrich Denmark's healthcare with international talent.
Duration: 1. Jan. 2024 - 31. Dec. 2028.
Partners: Kong Frederiks Center for Offentlig Ledelse Aarhus University, Copenhagen Capacity, and other key stakeholders.
Marianne Danling, Copenhagen Capacity (mld@copcap.com)