German IT digital adoption giant chooses Copenhagen for its Nordic headquarters
Jun 9, 2020 The global, German-founded IT company, tts, recently opened its Nordic headquarters in Copenhagen which will lead further expansion into the Nordics.Richard dos Santos recently moved to Copenhagen from South Africa with his wife and two children to head the new Nordic headquarters of tts, a full-service provider of digital user adoption, talent management and corporate learning services with offices in New York and most of Europe.
With a well-established client portfolio in Sweden, the next move for tts will be engaging with clients and partners in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland – with Copenhagen as the base for this Nordic expansion
“We considered different locations, including Stockholm where many of our Nordic customers are based. We decided on Copenhagen, because establishing a company here is easy, labour contracting is less rigid, and the corporate tax system is simpler to navigate not to mention that Copenhagen is comfortably situated between Germany and all the Nordic countries.”
AUTH-START - Richard dos Santos, Solutions Director, tts AUTH-END
TAG-START-h3 The Scandinavian lifestyle is attractive TAG-END-h3
However, Richard also had personal reasons to accept the job offer in Copenhagen. With two young children, he and his wife had been looking to the Scandinavian lifestyle for some time.
“Denmark is a very respectful society where you pay your taxes to make sure that everyone has equal opportunities. As a result, Denmark is a very safe and harmonious place to raise children, who grow up thinking of and caring about other people and the society in which we all live.”
AUTH-START - Richard dos Santos, Solutions Director, tts AUTH-END
TAG-START-h3 From silo thinking to learning on-demand TAG-END-h3
The core philosophy of the services provided by tts is also to create harmony within an organization and it’s change initiatives.
When it comes to managing the constant change of business processes and technology, large corporations tend to be highly dependent on business-critical know-how, which is held in business silos and is, often, neither documented nor maintained systematically and is frequently hard to access by employees.
tts provides corporate learning solutions which, by enabling rapid adoption of complex processes and supporting technologies from SAP, Oracle, Salesforces, ServiceNow, Microsoft 365 and many others, help companies move away from stockpiling knowledge and, instead, rely on “learning on demand” and performance support of the entire organisation.
TAG-START-h3 How Copenhagen Capacity helped tts – and can help you TAG-END-h3
Copenhagen Capacity made introductions to companies, potential partners, and service providers in Copenhagen and provided tts with an overview of industry key players in Denmark. We also compared Denmark’s business climate with that of other countries on decisive factors, for example, taxation, labour contracting and the degree of digitization in society to help tts make an informed decision.
“Denmark and the Nordic countries are all very digital economies, and we see a large market for our solutions throughout Scandinavia. We are very pleased with the help we have received from Copenhagen Capacity, which has made us market ready faster than if we had been on our own in a new country”
AUTH-START - Richard dos Santos, Solutions Director, tts AUTH-END
If you want to know more about how we can help your company establish in Greater Copenhagen, please contact Oliver Hall, Head of Fintech & AI Investments via email: ohall@copcap.com or phone: 0045 21 84 74 44.