Shanghai ChemPartner places European headquarters in Copenhagen
Jan 14, 2019 Easy access to the European market, low start-up costs, a flexible labour market, and facilities in one of Europe’s strongest biotech clusters Medicon Valley. That is why Shanghai ChemPartners chose Copenhagen for its European headquarters.With a prime location in Europe and a strong R&D environment, Medicon Valley offers a unique opportunity for life science companies wishing to enter the European market. That is why Shanghai ChemPartner chose Copenhagen for its European headquarters.
The Danish labour market is renowned for its flexibility and exceptional cooperation between businesses and the research sector. And it takes less than one day to establish a company in Denmark.
AUTH-START-Peter Halkjaer Knudsen | Executive Director, ChemPartner Europe ApSAUTH-ENDTAG-START-h2Reasons for choosing Copenhagen:TAG-END-h2
- Medicon Valley offers strong cooperation between companies, universities and large hospitals
- Great infrastructure and easy access to Scandinavia and Europe
- A flexible labour market with exceptional labour market policies
- A large pool of highly talented and motivated scientists
- Easy and quick procedures for establishing a business in Denmark – at low costs
TAG-START-h3About Shanghai ChemPartnersTAG-END-h3
Shanghai ChemPartner Co. Ltd. is a leader within pre-clinical research specialising in cancer, diabetes and rheumatic diseases. The company was founded in 2002 and today it has more than 1,700 employees.
The European headquarters manages European biotech research projects which are operated under contract by the parent company in China. Early translational research is based in China, and the company cooperates closely with a number of universities and university hospitals in China which each year turn out millions of graduates.
TAG-START-h2How can we help your company?TAG-END-h2
Medicon Valley is one of the leading biotech clusters with strong competences within cancer, diabetes, neuroscience, inflammation and infectious diseases.