GoerTek Inc. opens European audio research centre in Copenhagen
Jan 14, 2019 The Chinese consumer electronics company GoerTek has placed its first European headquarters and audio research centre in Copenhagen. Winning factors were the availability of talent and centrality in Europe.In 2014, the Chinese acoustic and electronics company GoerTek Inc. acquired the majority shares of Dynaudio, a significant player in the international speaker market founded and based in Denmark.
Following, GoerTek Inc. has established its first European headquarters and audio technology research centre, GoerTek Audio Technologies, in Copenhagen.
TAG-START-h3Denmark's got talentTAG-END-h3
This is largely owing to Denmark’s great history in audio development and many world leading experts in the field.
When it comes to developing audio technologies, Denmark is ahead. We considered many locations for our new technology centre, weighing availability of talent, centrality in Europe, and quality of life among other merits. We chose Denmark because of the unique entrepreneurial spirit that permeates the audio industry here
AUTH-START- Andrew Bright | CEO, GoerTek Audio Technologies, who previously worked for the tech giant AppleAUTH-ENDTAG-START-h3 TAG-END-h3TAG-START-h3Reasons for choosing Greater CopenhagenTAG-END-h3
- Availability of IT and audio engineers.
- World leading audio technologies industry characterised by innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Central location in Europe.
- Exceptional quality of life.
TAG-START-h3How can we help your company?TAG-END-h3
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TAG-START-h3About GoerTek Inc.TAG-END-h3
GoerTek Inc. was established in 2001 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008. It currently holds the largest market value among acoustic companies in Chinese stock exchange. GoerTek’s main focus areas are R&D, production and sales of electro-acoustic components and consumer goods such as smart phones and gaming accessories