Big Data company opens Nordic headquarters in Copenhagen
Jan 14, 2019 Easy access to Copenhagen’s well-connected airport, the city’s sizzling tech and AI community, and only a short commute to Malmö, Sweden. These are the main reasons why data engineering company, Syntio, who works with some of the largest retail companies in Sweden, has chosen Copenhagen for its Nordic headquarters.Increased visibility and market share in the Nordics were the business objectives when data engineering company, Syntio, embarked on exploring the pros and cons of setting up a Nordic headquarters in either Copenhagen, Malmö or Stockholm.
Things soon shifted in Copenhagen’s favour.
“We have clients all over the world, so Copenhagen Airport, which is just 15 minutes away from the city centre and very well-connected, definitely influenced our final decision. Also, we can easily service both Danish and Swedish clients from Copenhagen, because the commute from Copenhagen to Sweden’s third-largest city Malmö is just 45 minutes”
AUTH-START- Davorin Cetto, Managing Director, SyntioAUTH-END
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TAG-START-h2AI is the future of doing businessTAG-END-h2
The majority of Syntio’s clients are in retail, telecommunications, finance and life sciences. Across industries, Syntio helps companies gather, systemise, analyse and utilise data to meet market and customer demands which dictate a strong online presence, easy-to-use digital services and a wish to get inspired.
And here Greater Copenhagen has another ace up the sleeve; a strong AI community which Syntio expects to work closely with.
“Using AI, machine learning and big data intelligently companies can predict their own and their customers’ next steps, so this is very much the future of doing business. The AI community in Copenhagen and Malmö is strong and we look forward to work with several parts of the ecosystem”
AUTH-START- Davorin Cetto, Managing Director, SyntioAUTH-ENDTAG-START-h2How we helped Syntio TAG-END-h2
Copenhagen Capacity made introductions to networks, key players and partners in Copenhagen’s AI and life science ecosystems, including the Danish Centre for Applied AI, Medicon Valley and Medicon Valley Alliance as well as to Invest in Skåne.
We also provided Syntio with information about Danish health data and compared Denmark’s business climate with that of other countries on decisive factors, for example the degree of ease of doing business and labour market regulation. Finally, Syntio was introduced to coworking spaces and leading incubators in Denmark as well as to a service provider catalogue with suggestions for lawyers, corporate banks and accounting and payroll services.
“Copenhagen Capacity has provided unmeasurable value to us. We got all the information needed upfront on their website, and they quickly provided all information for starting our company. Oliver was able to connect us, schedule meetings and guide us along the way, and we look forward to our continued cooperation”
AUTH-START- Davorin Cetto, Managing Director, SyntioAUTH-END